Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Peaceful Revolution

I've been thinking more and more about the Peace Prayer by St. Francis. Every day I think about my tasks and goals and how, through them, I may become an instrument of peace.

Being an instrument of peace at my job means bringing a sense of tranquility and order to the chaotic and tedious atmosphere. It means smiling and being a blessing to my coworkers and the customers, even when I don't feel like it. It means trying each day to succeed at this small, insignificant task I've been given to do. Seeking out the jobs that others dislike. Being attentive and attuned to the needs of others. Modifying myself and my actions to make things easier for someone else. It means harnessing my anger and frustration, biting my tongue, and being mature enough to keep a quiet, tranquil demeanor.

Being an instrument of peace in my church involves putting aside myself to serve others. By actively seeking ways to lighten the load of the busy pastors, I can lead by serving in my parish. It means attending to the many dozens of details that together make Sunday morning worship a profound and captivating experience. Coordinating the bulletins, inserts, announcements, worship notes, scripture readings, and prayers. Communicating with worship leaders on their roles and responsibilities. Preparing the sanctuary for worship, ordering the table for the Eucharist, washing the hands of those who will officiate.

Being an instrument of peace in my relationships means listening. Closing my mouth, shutting away my selfishness, and opening my heart and ears to the voice of another. It means understanding. Agreeing to disagree. It means putting aside differences and choosing to love people, even those with whom I disagree. It is the decision to stand up for those who are mistreated, befriend those who are unpopular, and value those who doubt their worth. It is a shoulder to lean on.

My prayer is that, somehow, I may bring peace to my little corner of the universe. That I may reverse hatred, injury, doubt, despair, darkness, sadness ... and bring peace instead. I am small, but I have a job to do. The only way I can change the world is by starting small. And bringing peace.
